Tracie Harris (Tracy): Age, Wiki, Atheist Experience, Movie, Boyfriend, Bio, Husband, Net Worth

Tracie Harris

Tracie Harris

Tracie Harris is a known Television Personality of the United States of America. As an actress, she didn’t achieve huge success, which maybe she deserves in the entertainment industry.

However, two or three movies she did here are Mission Control Texas and A Better Life. Along with co-hosting the popular show The Atheist Experience. It is also a YouTube channel available on YouTube.

Anyway, later on she jump into an atheist activist, and began spreading reality of Christianity of Son of God Jesus Christ and his Holy Bible.

A few months ago, she participated as a guest on the podcast ‘The Thinking Atheist of known RJ in the 1990s and former Christian Mr. Seth Andrews.

Where, she share personal experiences in following Christianity to leaving Christianity. Along with, discuss about the Christianity and rituals and traditions.

Blindly follow by millions of Americans or Christians living around the Globe. Without even thinking about the reality of the particular religion.

Read also: Seth Andrews: Age, Wikipedia, The Thinking Atheist, YouTube, Twitter, Wife, Net Worth

Personal Life

Name:Tracie Harris
Profession:TV Actress, Activist
Educational Qualification:Graduate in Arts
Religion:Ex-Christian, Atheis
Sexual Orientation:Heterosexual, Straight
Birth Place:Texas, United States of America
Hometown:Nevada, USA
Birth Year:1978
Parents:Mr. & Mrs. Harris
Boyfriend (s):Robert
Husband (s):Not Yet
Children (s):N/A

Tracie Harris more moral than your God

Tracie Harris on how a common human being is more moral than your God. As soon of God says: you have to have follow the rituals and traditions. Moreover, convert non Christians forcefully into Christianity in order to achieve the Heaven following Death.

it means fully control on your mind, body or your personal life. You have no rights or intellect to even think about morally that whatever you are doing is it a good or bad.

Is it good to follow religion in order to achieve paradise?. And if you avoid then you will be burn in hell after death.

Tracie Harris Age, Height, Weight, Body Measurements

Age:45 Years Old
Weight:130 Pounds
Body Measurements:Chest: 36 Inches; Belly: 26 Inches; Waist: 36 Inches
Eye Color:Brown
Hair Color:Dark Brown
Skin Color:Warm White
Tracie Harris Net Worth

Well, Miss Tracie has been the Actress or didn’t get quite attention there. There’s could be many reasons behind. But, she is now in the activist moment.

Where she spread awareness towards reality of Christianity of Jesus’s Holy Bible etc. And help those American people who get stuck in between and finding the ways to get out of this cult.

However, if you want to have an idea of Net Worth to the Miss Harris. Then, well it is not a lucrative business or career. This is just a common service towards humanity, where you can not ask or expect Dollars to your followers.

But she still could have manage a decent amount of Dollars like 150 to 200 thousand USD Dollars including other sources of Income. For instances, Patreon, PayPal, donations as per the people liking.

Favorite Things
Politician (s):Barack Hussein Obama (Former President, United States of America), Joe Biden (President, USA)
Political Inclination (s):Democrats
Hobbies:Traveling, Reading Books
Author (s):Seth Andrews (Atheist), Aron Ra (Atheist)
Foods/Cuisines:Cow, Buffalo (Beef), Pizza, Burge, Chipotle
Colors:Black & White
Sports:Basketball, Football
Tracie Harris Website, Social Media Profiles and Pages

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Therefore, you (Users, Viewers, or Readers) can check or verify each piece of information by scrolling through the person’s social profiles and pages or visiting the site only. And that’s it for now in this particular article, We will see you in the next one Bye.

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